Captain Feathersword

Angels Landing, Zion National Park, UtahYou may have spotted him in a few of the pictures and videos we’ve have posted so far. That small, brown, monkey-like creature sitting in the background sucking his pacifier and looking super cute is our travel companion, Captain Feathersword. He was discovered in early 2009 during the hunt for a travel-buddy that would accompany Colin on his trip to Canada. Hopewell Rocks, Nova ScotiaHis purpose was originally to act as a comical mascot to take pictures with, but Colin grew pretty fond of the little guy. From then on he was brought on almost every trip and hike. More commonly known as a Monchhichi (you may remember them from the commercial depicted below), Captain Feathersword has accompanied Colin on trips from Canada to Florida, and even out to Utah, Arizona, and California (among other, more local places).

At the Toronto Zoo

Captain Feathersword enjoys sitting on the beach, staring off into the distance (he has evolved beyond the need to blink), and sucking his pacifier. He is an experienced hiker, rock climber, swan wrestler, and neuropsychologist. Captain Feathersword is currently pursuing an advanced degree in afro-growing, while in his spare time working on his knitting skills (he has a long way to go). One day he hopes to become a world traveler, but until he learns to move he has agreed to settle for accompanying us on our hikes.